Which brands are included in unilever:

It owns more than 400 brands, products are produced at 280 enterprises:
Food products: Calvé, Crème Bonjour, Rama, Bertolli, Knorr, Hellmann's, Baltimore (ketchups, tomato paste, mayonnaise, sauces, mustard, vinegar), Pomo d'Oro
Household chemistry and personal hygiene: Dove, Rexona, Axe, Timotei, Domestos, OMO, CLEAR, Cif, Sunsilk, Sunlight
Ice cream: Algida (Algida), Inmarco (Inmarco), Solero, Magnum, Carte D'Or, Breyers, Klondike, Viennetta, Cornetto, Ben & Jerry's

What unilever makes:

Suppliers of cosmetics, personal care, home care, food and ice cream.

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March 15, 2022 - address of President Volodymyr Zelensky:

zelenskiy to companies » підтримує війну Росії

"We must put pressure on Russia to make the price of this war against Ukraine extremely painful. That everyone in the world takes a moral position. Not only the state, but also companies. I'm talking about business.

Large corporations that still sponsor Russia's military machine have not left the Russian market, although they should have done so immediately. As soon as the world saw what Russian troops were doing on our Ukrainian land. ”


unilever, Які компанії не пішли з Росії

Who has not left the Russian market? July 3, 2023 - NAZK:

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) included the British corporation Unilever in the list of international sponsors of the war:

"More than 3,000 employees work in the Russian Federation. In 2022, Russian business accounted for 1.4% of turnover and 2% of its net profit, which in 2022 increased by 24.9% compared to 2021 and amounted to €8.03 billion. The company's revenue increased to €60.1 billion (+ 14.5%). Sales increased in all categories, the most being sales of cosmetics (+20.8%).

After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the company promised to suspend all imports and exports of its products to and from Russia, as well as halt all media and advertising spending. Unilever "will continue to supply the people of the country with food products and hygiene products made in Russia."

However, a year later, Unilever Russia's profits doubled from 4.8 billion rubles (€56 million) in 2021 to more than 9.2 billion rubles (€108 million) last year.

In addition, thanks to the obtained significant amount of profit (+91%) LLC "Unilever Rus" managed to increase the capital to 34.5 billion rubles in 2022 from 25.3 billion rubles in 2021 or by +37%.

Unilever Rus LLC paid about $50 million in taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation for 2022.

A press service for Unilever in Russia told Forbes that "Unilever's position in Russia has not changed": the enterprises in Omsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Tula continue to operate, and the offices - operational activities, ensuring the presence of brands at the points of sale.

Addendum: under pressure from European partners, in March 2024, Ukraine removed the list of international sponsors of the war. But the screens do not burn and we fixed it


Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції (НАЗК) внесло британську корпорацію Unilever до переліку міжнародних спонсорів війни

Has Unilever left the Russian market? July 24, 2023 - economic truth:

Unilever is not against the draft of the company's employees to the Russian army:

In response to a request from the group B4Ukraine, which is campaigning for companies to stop operating in Russia, Unilever's director of business operations and supply chain, Reginaldo Ecclissato, wrote that "we are aware of a law that requires any company operating in the Russian Federation to permission to draft employees, if they are drafted. We always comply with all the laws of the countries in which we work," reports the BBC.

At the same time, the company stated that it continues to work in the Russian Federation because "the way out is not easy" and "to avoid the risk that the business will end up in the hands of the Russian state, directly or indirectly, and to help protect our people."

In addition, in a letter to B4Ukraine, Unilever reported that in 2022 it paid 3.8 billion rubles in taxes to the Russian budget. 


Unilever не проти призову співробітників компанії до російської армії

October 26, 2023 - economic truth:

International war sponsor Unilever continues business in Russia:

"One of the world leaders in the market of food products and household chemicals, Unilever, has decided to continue doing business in the Russian Federation - the report for the 3rd quarter of this year does not contain any action plan for exiting Russia.

This is reported by the organization B4Ukraine with reference to reporting concern for the 3rd quarter of 2023.

The British conglomerate Unilever, which recently found itself under great pressure mass media and the public through its business in Russia, announced its financial results for the 3rd quarter. The maker of Cornetto ice cream and Dove soap is defending its position on maintaining a presence in Russia, citing "containment measures" put in place to "minimize Unilever's contribution to the Russian state."


Міжнародний спонсор війни Unilever продовжує бізнес у Росії

October 26, 2023 - kse institute:

Unilever "will continue to supply the country's residents with food and hygiene products made in Russia":

” In 2023, the company did not fulfill its promises, as its local enterprise in Russia (ToV Unilever Rus, ipn 7705183476) generated almost the same amount of local revenues in 2022 (84.9 billion rubles) against 86 billion rubles in 2021 or only 2% less. At the same time, the net profit increased from 4.9 billion rubles. up to 9.2 billion rubles. or +91%! In addition, thanks to this significant amount of profit, the company managed to increase the local capital to 34.5 billion rubles in 2022 from 25.3 billion rubles in 2021 or by +37%. This means that the company actually reinvested the profit, which is equal to the investment of new capital in the country. In addition, the company will be required to pay income tax (in addition to VAT, payroll taxes and other taxes) and thus indirectly support the Russian military machine. Unilever Rus LLC also paid the equivalent of $331 million in taxes in 2021 (and at least the same amount in 2022, based on their financial performance). Therefore, we decided to change the status of the company from "Reducing operations" to "Continuing operations". NAKC included Unilever in the list of "International War Sponsors".


Unilever "продовжуватиме постачати жителям країни продукти харчування та засоби гігієни, виготовлені в Росії"

August 23, 2024 - Yale School of Management:

A bit of background to the fact check source:

“We have a team of experts with experience in financial analysis, economics, accounting, strategy, management, geopolitics and Eurasian affairs, fluent in ten languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Polish and in English, collecting this unique set of data from open sources such as government regulatory documents, tax documents, company reports, financial analysts' reports, Bloomberg, FactSet, MSCI, S&P Capital IQ, Thomson Reuters and business media from 166 countries; as well as non-public sources, including a global wiki-style network with more than 250 company insiders, informants and management contacts. ”

Company status Unilever according to the analysis: stopped imports / exports and stopped all advertising and investment


unilever, Які компанії не пішли з Росії

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Brands: Calvé, Crème Bonjour, Rama, Bertolli, Knorr, Hellmann's, Baltimore, Pomo d'Oro, Dove, Rexona, Axe, Timotei, Domestos, OMO, CLEAR, Cif, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Algida (Algida), Inmarco ), Solero, Magnum, Carte D'Or, Breyers, Klondike, Viennetta, Cornetto, Ben & Jerry's