Which brands are included in weatherford:

In Russia, the company is represented through "Wetherford Holdings (Rus)" LLC, "Wetherford" LLC and "Wetherfort Business Service" LLC.

What the weatherford company makes:

Specializes in production and supplies oil production equipment and provision of service services to oil and gas enterprises

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Who has not left the Russian market? March 22, 2022 - obozrevatel:

“Some brands have decided sit on two chairs at once. They loudly announced restrictions on work in the Russian market, but only stopped investing and removed advertising, but continue to do business there.

The list includes: Weatherford ”


weatherford, Які компанії не пішли з Росії

Has weatherford left the Russian market? February 16, 2024 - kse institute:

The Russian division of the international oil service company Weatherford intends to continue to fulfill existing contracts and conclude new contracts:

"They promised to suspend new investments and the introduction of technologies in Russia. All shipments are suspended (no joint ventures or partners in Russia). The Russian division of the international oil service company Weatherford intends to continue fulfilling existing contracts and conclude new contracts with customers. This follows from the reporting of Weatherford's Russian structures, including "Weatherford" LLC, which accounts for the bulk of the company's revenues in the Russian Federation."


Російське підрозділ міжнародної нафтосервісної компанії Weatherford має намір продовжувати виконувати наявні контракти та укладати нові договори із замовниками

August 23, 2024 - Yale School of Management:

A bit of background to the fact check source:

“We have a team of experts with experience in financial analysis, economics, accounting, strategy, management, geopolitics and Eurasian affairs, fluent in ten languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Polish and in English, collecting this unique set of data from open sources such as government regulatory documents, tax documents, company reports, financial analysts' reports, Bloomberg, FactSet, MSCI, S&P Capital IQ, Thomson Reuters and business media from 166 countries; as well as non-public sources, including a global wiki-style network with more than 250 company insiders, informants and management contacts. ”

Company status according to the analysis: suspend new investments / deployments in Russia


weatherford, Які компанії не пішли з Росії

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Brands: "Wetherford Holdings (Rus)" LLC, "Wetherford" LLC and "Wetherfort Business Service" LLC.